Thursday, November 02, 2006

Another blog to join the ranks of a passe fad gone astray, at one point one could argue that this could possibly be the grassroots movement the liberal left has been waiting for all these years. The grassroots movement is now merely a façade, much like the theme-park that had that beautiful sign on the highway yet it’s most memorable attraction is a fat man who can sing in perfect pitch while running from a geriatric alligator. I digress though, blogging once was perceived as a grassroots movement promoting the ideal of the spreading of information that would finally bring the conservative right, elitist pricks, to it’s knees. Obviously, since the majority of people are of the liberal left persuasion, they are being put into submission thus rendering them ignorant and as useless as a limp dick, by the notorious conservative right, but alas blogging is nothing more than a caricature, or more appropriately poor propaganda made by the liberal left, a group that has long sought to usurp the conservative right of its power through seditious rumblings. Great minds have often pondered, why one side hates the other so much, for you can not have one side without the other. If there was no left, then would not half of the right become left itself? Then again while those are amazing observations by probably a man who hasn’t been laid in months, and I do say is probably a dirty seditious card carrying member of the right, I simply look to the simpler, and dare I say more petty reasons why this altercation has arisen. My very astute observation being that the left is obviously more jealous that the right is used more in the sacred act of masturbation, but of course that would be seen as a very masculine look on the world but I’m sure the feminine left have a similar quibble or perhaps on the feminine side of the equator it’s more of an appearance thing, the world may never know, though I will tell you one thing is for sure, the left is sure glad more people are right handed since the left are a lazy bunch of sons of bitches. In either case, the history of blogging is a compendium that I do not dare try to write, for the disagreeable north and south would rear their ugly heads, at least that’s the fear of the lefts and the rights to both I‘m sadly proscribe to by birth, and I'm no match for the fury of misdirection hence why I choose not to watch TV News. Now that you know that this is neither left nor right, nor will it go up or down, and will constantly stay in a state of funk, something which I find preferable much like that piece of cheese you seemingly forgot to put back in the fridge, the piece left in the room no one goes in, due to the subconscious fear it’s haunted, by that aunt who slept there once and died, and so there that cheese lies, moldy, and the home of Arthur the cockroach, it’s not really fresh but it’s not exactly rotten, so what else can be said other than it is truly in a state of funk. In which case the Carnival of Death may open its doors to all the children of the world who wish to adorn its dismal theme park.

Who am I? A question that feels as stale as the joke, why did the chicken cross the road? It’s stale because through my vernacular and perhaps the very fact I'm posting on a blog which I did not aptly title clearly shows, like a window at Tiffanies, that I am none other than a wanna-be writer college student. So why is such a pernicious soul such as I, diffusing ideas of an indecipherable nature across the web using a medium known for the pretentious and less-than-lively well it's because I need some rigid structure to my not so rigid structured life in terms of writing. So this will by my new platform for throwing out whatever stories come to mind, much in the same way the sleazy drunk uses a nightclub as a platform to show off his verbose wit to the opposite sex. So let us begin on this magical carpet ride of titillating vanity of a soul who has demonic creatures coiled round it.

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