There once was a train, the A-Train, it was the most efficient trainin the whole catchet of trains that ran at the time. Perhaps it wasdue to good ol'American Craftsmanship but most likely that's a crockof shit, for everyone knew it's because of Wally. Wally was a railroadman, and Wally use to have a saying, "Nobody fucks with the A-Train".Wally was a frenchman, some use to say that his own people desertedhim, which is why he ended up in this shithole. But the legend goesthat Wally found this place all of his own free will, a place where hecould be cruel and malicious as long as it was to those who deservedit but there was always some collateral damage. Wally had a bad eye,so he use to wear this crusty old monacle. Some say it was God's wayof evening the tables, giving Wally one bad eye but if that was thecase why give him two good hands to wreak havoc with? Wally use to also carry around a billyclub to enforce his tyranical rule of the A-train. For when you got beat with Wally's billyclub, it was like being beat by a lumberjack, some use to say that Wally came of lumberjack descent due to his uncouth beard. Now to top off this ridiculous fashion he use to carry around his trustypocket watch. Wally had one love in his entire life andthat was for his billyclub, and the sounds it made during a goodthrashing, it just put ol'wally heart at ease. For you see if you werecaught sneaking on Wally's train, pray to god you had some good healthinsurance because you were going to need it. Wally was devoid ofemotion besides his bloodlust so he never settled down and had afamily. Truth be told no one really knows what happen to Wally. Foryou see Wally was a product of a different time, a time when a goodthrashing is all you needed to keep a train going, now a days you needto be kind to those in need, and hurting people that'd try to wrongthe A-Train just isn't tolerated. So Wally like all the oldinstitutions of America simply faded away, some even question ifol'wally even existed.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
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